Bigger and bigger (50 new photos, 35 new recipes), the new The Ultimate Minnesota Cookie Book offers the COMPLETE set of winners for two decades of the Star Tribune Cookie Contest, plus more personal commentary from Lee and Rick! Start your ovens and test run more than 110 recipes with this one-of-a-kind cookie book, with Lee and Rick as your guides.
Available in bookstores everywhere or through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.
Who bakes cookies better than Minnesotans?
The Minneapolis Star Tribune has tapped into the public’s psyche for its Holiday Cookie Contest. Find the 80 best cookie recipes from the contest’s first 15 years in The Great Minnesota Cookie Book (2018), written and photographed with colleagues Rick Nelson and Tom Wallace. The book was a finalist for the cookbook awards of the International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) .
Available at bookstores or through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indie Bound, or
Find a terrific menu to go with that party you are planning.
Come One, Come All: Seasonal Menus for Easy Entertaining (2008) offers 32 options for the gatherings we encounter, from fall harvest celebrations to summer picnics, winter celebrations and spring bridal showers. Many of the menus first appeared in the Minneapolis Star Tribune.